Dana Prieto
Dana’s story began in his early 20’s when he received a supernatural deliverance from drugs. Set free from the kingdom of darkness, Dana soon began using his musical talents for the kingdom of God. In 1985, Dana played guitar for Lester Sumrall, Gloria Copeland, and TL and Daisy Osborn at citywide crusades in Niagara Falls and Buffalo, New York. Over the years, he has also had the privilege of playing guitar at Rhema Bible Church and World Outreach Church.
Dana has a rich and diverse background; he has an extensive business and entrepreneurial background and ran for State Senate in 2018. He spent the next four years learning about local politics. He ran again in 2022 and won the Senate. Dana is also a Precinct Chairman, State delegate and serves on the Executive Committee for Tulsa County. He stays active fighting tyranny on two levels, in the Spirit and in the natural.
II Timothy 3 tells us that in the last days, perilous times will come and many will be deceived. We see that being played out in the political arena. Dana carries a powerful message on the role the local church plays in today’s world.
“Your vote is your seed, yet many of us don’t understand the importance of that seed. In ignorance, they either don’t plant the seed or plant it in rocky ground.” When planted in wrong soil, the seed will grow into a government that oppresses Christianity. The church is to be the restraining force upon the earth. Continued ignorance will cost the Body of Christ the freedom we take for granted that allows us to preach the gospel without limits.
God uses Dana’s diverse skill sets of musician, Bible teacher, and a man of prayer to bring light and understanding in this critical area. Together Judy and Dana demonstate how to interpret and flow in the gifts of the Spirit.
He published his first book in 2014, “The Seven Principals that Changed the Planet Will Change Your Life.” His varied experiences allow him to minister to people in many walks of life.
Judy Prieto
In the early 80’s, Judy was drawn to the area of prayer. Rising early before the children awoke, she would often seek out a quiet place to meet alone with God. She continued on her own, falling in love with God and stumbling into his presence where she became more aware of him than anyone else around her.
It wasn’t until years later that she learned that the Secret place in God is always available. In the early 90’s that God provided a prayer mentor that taught Judy how to enter God’s presence whenever her heart desired. At times, the presence of God was so strong that she lingered in the presence of God for hours, days one time for a week. On one occasion, Judy went directly to work after prayer. Her boss asked her what the light was that was coming out of her eyes. She learned through experience that the secret to flowing in the Gifts of the Spirit was to develop them in the private place of prayer.
To become an effective minister, Judy studied clowning and storytelling. Using the power of storytelling, Judy has ministered in many settings from children’s camps, christian schools, women’s and family services. She has ministered in the US, Thailand and Honduras moving powerfully in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. She is an engaging speaker and minister.
Judy and Dana graduated from Bible school in 1997. She then served as Executive Director for Kids Crusades for Jesus Christ, carrying revival to children and emphasizing the move of the Holy Spirit. As the Spirit of God flowed, children had visions, spiritual dreams and many were healed. Under her ministry, hundreds of children received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Many adults were encouraged, strengthened and valued children’s ministry in a new way as they witnessed first-hand God moving among the children.
Serving in the business world for many years, Judy has worked in sales, education, government, real estate and small business. Her background helps her to present the gospel in a clear, lively, and enthusiastic manner.
Author and minister, Judy Prieto has published her first book, The Secret Door, writes regularly for blogs and is presently working on her next book.
Dana and Judy minster together
In the late 90’s, the Holy Spirit began to further unfold His plan; Judy and Dana would teach prayer seminars. With two young children and a mountain of debt, there seemed no possible way.
Personal prayer and small group prayer meetings are an effective way to learn the flow of the Holy Spirit. For several years, Judy and Dana were mentored by other seasoned ministers as they learned the ways Spirit. In the early 2000’s, Judy lead five prayer groups a week.With the Holy Spirit as the teacher; the training continued, and in 2010 Dana and Judy began hosting prayer meetings in their home. For eight years, through the orchestration that only God can do, the Holy Spirit brought many to pray. The Holy Spirit crafted an intimate atmosphere where hearts were laid bare. For those who came, answers were downloaded from heaven and many received great encouragement. There was a the continual flow of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit accompanied by a sweet presence of God. Dana would often play his guitar by the leading of the Spirit ushering in the weighty presence of God.
In 2018, they sensed a stirring that their private ministry to a few was changing. They sensed the time had come to take prayer into churches and start “City-wide” prayer. City-wide prayer meets monthly at host churches to pray for the local area of the church. in 2023, after Dana won the election, under the direction of the Holy Spirit the name was changed to State-Wide Prayer.