Prayer Preceeds Promotion
Because it was so difficult on the family, Judy was completely opposed to Dana running again. Through a series of events, the Holy Spirit began to to deal with Judy about Dana running again.
"I think we need to start praying about whether or not you should run again."
"Wait. what? I would absolutely have to be convinced it was God because there is NO WAY I want to do it again and neither do you."
We began to pray regularly with a few other people. There were many confirmations as we continued to pray out every detail. After 18 months we became convinced that was the path to take.
You will be inspired to never give up on you dream as you follow the unfolding journey to the Capitol and the facsinating details of the story.
Extraordinary Experiences in the Place of Prayer
Come on an adventure - it's called prayer. Build your friendship with God. With Him beside you, discover how amazing life can be with the all knowing, all powerful, almighty God as your guide. Patricia St. John
Our Core Values
Effective prayers understand the highest law is the law of love. " If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing." I Cor. 13:2
Keep the Word First
Follow the Leading of the Holy Spirit
Honor the Gifts in Others