Prayer Seminars
When Judy was in her early 20's she would rise early to spend time with God. One day she sang herself into God's presence and had a powerful encounter with God that ministered to her deeply. She had no idea how to return to that special place. Judy continued to pursue God's presence and study the Bible, particularly drawn to the area of prayer. God heard her prayer and connected her to a prayer mentor. "Prayer is better caught than taught." Dr. Kenneth E. Hagin
"God brought me a prayer mentor- someone who could lead me into the deeper things of the Spirit"
-Judy Prieto
Our Core Values
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Extraordinary Experiences
In the early 90's, the Holy Spirit connected Judy with a seasoned woman of prayer named Martha Cusimano. What started out as a once per week prayer meeting quickly changed to daily prayer where Judy was mentored in the ways of prayer and the moving of the Spirit of God. It was in this private place of prayer with just two people that Judy began to learn the ways of the Spirit, and how to discern his voice. Often, she would return home and linger in Gods presence for hours.