Children’s Workers are Vital to the Success of Your Church
Far too often, Children’s Volunteers Don’t Realize the Importance of Their Job
- Some volunteer out of obligation rather than revelation
- Investing into children pays rich dividends
- Discover what the Bible has to say about children’s ministry and its importance
- Find out what the devil does not want your church to know and why
- Learn what families are searching for when they visit
The Secret Door
Discover the Hidden Door to Lasting Church Growth
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What Others are Saying
“The Secret Door guarantees continued church growth by investing in our churches most untapped resource – children’s ministry. This book provides clear, concise and practical information on children’s ministry that will position churches to not only survive, but to thrive, in the decades to come.” Tony Erby, Ph.D., Educator and Pastoral Care Counselor, Kenneth Copeland Ministries
“There is a shift coming in the thinking of the body of Christ where a greater emphasis will be put upon the children” Judy IS ushering it in!! Will the rest of the Church join her? ….” Mark L. Withers, CMSgt(r), USAF Chief of the Air Force Medical Enlisted Force (#5)
“I couldn’t put this book down and read it in one sitting. This book is not only inspirational, but informative too. I highly recommend it for anyone who loves children and the Church.” J.P., USA
“I love how “The Secret Door” opens your eyes to the enemy’s game. The devil is thinking cleverly about how to distract and destroy generations, while the church is sluggish in their attempts to evangelize the world. This book has the answer…” K.D., USA
Bonus Christmas Special
Free with the Purchase of The Secret Door
Parenting with the Help of the Holy Spirit
I Want to Give You this Downloadable 2 CD Set to Share
These Truths from Heaven Changed My Families’ Life
One night, during a time of frustration, I cried out to the Lord for help with parenting. The Holy Spirit answered that prayer. That night the Holy Spirit gave to me five truths regarding children. “If you’ll do these things, your children will not go into rebellion.” This series is a result of that prayer. Listen in as Judy bears her heart and learn how she overcame her parenting frustrations. (We will send the free downloadable 2 CD series via the email you provide.)
Let us Help Build – Five Techniques to Keep Children Out of Rebellion