I was talking with my 87 year-old mother last night, and the attacks in Paris got the best of her. She was afraid and felt helpless. The future of the country and the fear she felt concerning the safety of her family were more than she could bear.
The feeling of uncertainty and not knowing where or when an attack might happen can cause great concern. Listed below are a few steps that can help.
- Turn it Off– The News Sensationalizes Everything- Evil is looking for a platform to instill fear. Sadly, the media plays right into their hands by playing and replaying all the gory details. Whatever you meditate and think upon will consume your mind. It isn’t healthy under any circumstances to have the constant dribble from T.V. with the negative reports and even more so now.
- Look at it from a Logical Perspective– The statistical chances of anything happening to your family are one in a million. In the light of all the people on earth, the ones affected are very few. Psalm 91 says “A thousand may fall at your right hand, and ten thousand at your left, but it will not come near you.” BUT, the Bible tells us that perilous times will come in the last days (before Jesus returns). So, it is going to be important to develop your sixth sense which leads me to my next point.
- Check up on the Inside– I remember several years ago feeling concerned about my sister living in New York City. With all the crime, how could she be kept safe? I will never forget her answer. “I check up down on the inside. If I even feel like it’s not safe, I go another way. “Psalm 23:3 say “He guides me along right paths for His names sake.” God is well able to keep you safe. Her response reminded me of something the late Brother Hagin taught. He said that God is so good that he will even lead the non-believer into safety.
- Spend Some Time in Prayer. When my mother was telling me how helpless she felt and that she couldn’t do anything, I reminded her that she can pray. That is our job in this crisis situations. Pray for the people who lost loved one. Pray for those who protect our borders and our leaders. If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land. II Chronicles 7:14.
- Control Your Thoughts– Now that the T.V. is off, fill your mind with thoughts that bring peace, not fear. John 14:27 says, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. I do not give as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled. Neither let them be afraid.” ” He keeps us in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on him.”
Take a deep breath. Smile again. It is going to be okay.