City Wide Prayer Launches its Second Year

Citywide Prayer TulsaIn late 2018, the Holy Spirit began to stir our hearts about starting City Wide prayer. I was not anxious to start any new programs. I knew that if God wasn’t in it, I would have to sustain it and ultimately it would fail.

We met with a few people – not to talk, but to pray about it. Throughout the fall of 2018, the plan began to unfold. The Holy Spirit began to instruct me; this would not look like other prayer groups we had been in. The scripture he gave me was Ephesians 4:16 from him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.

The Holy Spirit helped me to understand that every person in attendance brings their supply of the presence of God. As facilitators, Dana and I would lead. But, God had a plan to use others in attendance. It was not to be the ‘Dana and Judy” show. It was his show, not ours.

Starting January 2019, we began meeting once a month. In the beginning, we alternated meeting between Okmulgee and Tulsa. Ultimately, that turned out to be confusing. Mid-year we changed the format and decided to always meet at Encounter Church of Tulsa, 2828 S 129th. At that time, City Wide Prayer also became an outreach of Encounter Church, the foursquare church we attend.

We also added a meal afterwards. We have been asked why. Koinonia is a Greek word. It means community, sharing and intimacy. It is used 19 times in the New Testament. It is scriptural to have intimate relationships. Food is another tool God uses to create unity. The more unified we are, the more effective our prayers will be.

What We Pray About

Before we pray, we worship. God had us start in Okmulgee. It was there that we met Mary and Steve Disclose. They start worship in a higher place. Mary is a concert level pianist, and her gift is amazing and she is able to quickly lead us into the presence of God.

Each month, either Dana or I share for a few minutes. We pray for the City, State and Nation as the Holy Spirit leads. God’s presence is always there to lead and guide. As a community, we follow the Holy Spirit into the deep places only found in fellowship with him. I am excited to see what 2020 holds. See you there!

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